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Peyton's tutorial for Mkdocs and GitHub Pages

Step 1 - Setting up the repository

  • Create your repository.
  • Add mkdocs.yml and docs directory with the page.
  • Commit all changes to main.

Step 2 - Using GitHub Actions

  • Create a new directory titled .github/workflows within the repository.
  • Create a .yml file in the workflows directory.
  • Insert the following lines into the .yml file.
name: ci 
      - master 
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.x
      - run: pip install mkdocs-material 
      - run: mkdocs gh-deploy --force
  • The above code creates a GitHub action that executes everytime there is a push to the repository. In this case it is installing all the prerequisites and executing the command mkdocs gh-deploy --force which deploys the mkdocs again on GitHub Pages.
  • Push this directory and file to the main branch and an action is created and will run on push.
    • Note: I experienced up to 5-7 minute wait times for the update to occur on the page.
  • Added a new line.

Step 3 - Include Jupyter Notebooks and .py Files

  • Add the below to teh mkdocs.yml file. This can be edited for includes and ignores for each notebook.
  - mkdocs-jupyter:
      include: ["*.py", "*.ipynb"]
      ignore: ["some-irrelevant-files/*.ipynb"]
      execute: true
        - "my-secret-files/*.ipynb"
      allow_errors: false
      kernel_name: python3
      theme: dark
  • Add the path to the .ipynb or .py file as a regular page like you would an .md file and it will render.
  • Make changes the mkdocs and commit them to main and vualah! 👍

Issues I came across

  • Error message in GitHub Desktop when trying to commit changes: error: couldn't set 'refs/remotes/origin/main' From ! 35ec70b..c5d2301 main -> origin/main (unable to update local ref)
    • Resolution: Running this command git gc --prune=now on linux command line in workflows directory
      • ([Source]


  • ([Github actions code]
    • ([More] on GitHub Actions
  • ([Deploying mkdocs on GitHub Pages]
    • Note: There is a second way mentioned in this site for User Pages
  • ([Mkdocs styling and formatting]
  • ([Creating a GitHub Page]
  • ([Adding Jupyter Notebooks]